Disposition of the organ in the Church St. Paul on the Cross:
I. Manual
Bordun 16′
Prinzipal 8′
Viola di Gamba 8′
Flauta Amabile 8′
Oktave 4′
Cornett 3 fach II.
Manual Geigenprinzipal 8′
Salicional 8′
Vox coelestis 8′
Lieblich Gedackt 8′
Rohrflote 4′
Subbass 16′
Zartbass 16′
Couplers II/I, I/Pedal, II/Pedal,
Sub II/I, Super I One (Tutti)
piston hand stops on/off,
walze (rollschweller)
Manual II enclosed.
Sadly, this wonderful historical instrument is today in very poor condition and has been rendered unplayable due to neglect. The firm that built it is no longer in existence. There is an ongoing fundraising campaign for the organ’s restoration and maintenance. There are also plans for establishing concert series’ programs and recordings on this beautiful instrument. For those interested in aiding in this historic restoration, please contact one of the following locations:
For donations:
Austrian Bank Account
Salzburg account number: 05401256445
Bank: Salzburger Sparkasse
Bank code: 20404
on the bank order please write: Spende Restaurierung Russe
Bulgarian Bank Account:
Central Cooperative Bank Rousse
Account Number: 5000699812
Bank code: 79077934
on the bank order please write: Nicopol Catholic Eparchy
or for more information contact:
Mr. Sabin Levi
1625 Ellis Drive #100
Lawrence KS 66044
phone/fax: 785 812 3323
email: sabin@ku.edu
For more information on organs and organists in Bulgaria:
Organs in Bulgaria